Your monthly $ donation =
Your % off of ticket prices!*
Nonprofit theater production is a year-round endeavor with monthly management expenses as well as one-time production costs. Ticket revenue only supports a fraction of these costs. The rest relies on grant funding, donations, and sustaining members to keeping the machine running so Calliope can continue supporting artists and bringing the latest musicals to Rochester's doorstep.
*Must be a member with at least 6 consecutive months of continued support.
Discount applies to 2 tickets per Calliope production.
​Mortal ($25) This helps us cover the cost of mic pack batteries, shipping of licensed materials, our domain, etc.
Hero ($50) This is the equivalent of one actor's costumes, a couple hours of moving truck rental, etc.
Muse ($100) This is a little over one hour of venue rental
Demigod ($250) This level or higher pays for social media marketing, our website, etc. and scores you 25% off of up to 2 tickets per production.
Olympian ($500) This pays for production support staff, storage facilities, etc., and scores you 50% off of up to 2 tickets per production.
Titan ($1000) This is the equivalent of one designer/artist's pay, mic rental, set materials for one show, etc., and scores you 2 comp tickets per production.

Support Calliope
Theatre Company
Checks payable to Calliope Theatre Company may be sent to:
1345 Woodland Dr SW Rochester, MN 55902