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Anticipati ...

The end of last year, the Callio-board all suggested shows to one another that they thought could be our big, first-show-ever, company premiere, summer 2020 musical. Audrey and I listened to some of the shows top-to-bottom while driving 20-odd hours to and from Idaho where we spent the holidays. I'm sure you all want to hear about the drive, and not the show selection, right?

The bit through western Nebraska is pretty boring, but Bear Lake in the middle of the mountains is beautiful. Stop and see Gladys' Place - it's charming.

Four shows made the final cut in January.

I'm not going to tell you what they were. If you are a Calliope member, you got an e-mail asking for your vote between those four shows, so you already know them anyway. Membership rocks, y'all.

The majority of members that responded picked the same show that several of our board were leaning toward. If you're reading this and you are the member that tried to vote three times for the same show, I see what you did there, and we only counted one of them. I think the vote also made Mr. Greg Miller happy - the selection is right up his alley.

The reason I'm teasing all of you, and not making a big announcement, is that we are waiting. We have applied for performance rights for the end of the summer, and we are waiting to hear back from MTI (Music Theatre International, who holds the rights).

We are also waiting for a contract and final approval on our venue as well, but things are looking optimistic enough that I'm writing a blog post about it.

Frankly, the waiting is killing me, because I want to scream the news. Like, in your face, full volume, blow-your-hair-back, Tommy-why-did-you-have-so-much-garlic-on-your-lunch kind of scream.

So, misery loves company, now you can all anticipate with me. We hope to have announcements over the next few weeks about the show selection, the dates of the show, our fabulous design team for the show, our venue . . .

Just not quite yet.

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