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Member Muse News

Howdy Calliopeeps!

If you're a Calliope Member, you already received some of the following news in your member newsletter. Now we're just getting this all out there for the rest of the world.

First things first - since our summer show Jekyll & Hyde has been postponed to 2021, some of our membership benefits like early ticket availability and voting on our next show aren't available this year. That isn't fair to our wonderful founding members, which is an injustice that shall not stand. Thus:

All current memberships will be extended by one year at no cost.

All current members will be able to exercise their rights and privileges

as members for this year AND next year.

One of the very important member privileges is voting in our annual member meeting. This will be happening on November 10th this year. I'll pause here so you can mark your calendar.

... pausing ...

As our very first member meeting, this is a huge one for us. We will have our first-ever votes for board members to guide our theatre company into the future, and our nominations committee is already at work selecting the candidates.

If you are a particularly astute follower of our membership policies, you may have noted that postponing our show also means that folks intending to use volunteer hours from working on Jekyll & Hyde toward membership are also out of luck now. This injustice is also totes not cool. Thus:

Memberships shall be discounted from $250 to $150 from now

until August 31st. We also invite anyone to gift these

discounted memberships to others.

Let's look at some hypothetical situations and see how all this shakes out.

Local Performer was planning to play accordion in the pit orchestra for the summer musical. They worked out all the rehearsal and performance time would easily add up to more than 75 volunteer hours, and they could become a member before the annual meeting so they could have a say in the leadership at Calliope for next year. Local is now very sad that the show isn't happening. Maybe even depressed. Poor Local. They are hoping for another COVID stimulus check so they can buy a membership instead of groceries.

Marcie Member bought a membership during the Hamilton fundraiser last fall, and they were really looking forward to renewing this year, so they'd have an excuse to give Calliope $250 dollars. Silly Marcie - you can give us that anytime you want! However, waiting to use it for membership is very shrewd.

You see where this is going yet? Marcie can purchase a discounted $150 annual membership, and gift it to Local! They BOTH get to be members for a year, because Marcie's membership was extended for free! Its a win-win-win for Local, Marcie, and Calliope.

Truly, the gifts of the Muse Calliope are bountiful.

Its basically just a great deal. So spread the word. Share this page! Link it to your Tik-Tweet-InstaBook.

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